
26 Mar 2015
[活動] 諾瓦材料出席 2015 印度柴油發動機排放高峰論壇

[活動] 諾瓦材料出席 2015 印度柴油發動機排放高峰論壇

董事長 楊聯智先生出席03月25日至26日在印度新德里舉辦的柴油發動機排放高峰論壇會議,期許擁有國際觀,不斷學習成長,服務廣大的客戶群!​諾瓦材料專注柴油發動機排放的發展趨勢,不僅僅侷限台灣,更是深入掌握世界法規發展的趨勢。同時,我們是長期為柴油發動機排放高峰論壇 ( Integer ) 贊助廠商並且積極參與每年舉行的研討會

India pioneers alternative solutions to combat diesel emissions
According to the UN’s World Health Organization (WHO), half of the top ten most polluted cities are in India. In response, the Indian government is spearheading emissions reduction with Bharat Stage III regulations now in place nationwide and is making a determined push to implement Stage IV by 2017 as part of its new Auto Fuels Vision & Policy 2025 strategy. The 5th Integer Emissions Summit India will examine the impact of next stage emissions legislation and the environmental benefits for the country. The conference will explore potential fuel efficiency norms and technologies for commercial vehicles, alternative fuel solutions, analysis of emissions policies and technology advancements the for non-road and genset market, as well as the future outlook for AdBlue® in India. The conference will bring together over 200 senior executives from Indian and global vehicle and engine manufacturers, policy makers and emissions control suppliers to examine the roadmap for future diesel emissions legislation, diesel fuel quality and supply for heavy-duty vehicles, non-road mobile machinery, diesel generator set engines and a growth forecast and opportunities for the AdBlue® market.