NaOH |Caustic soda|Sodium hydrate|Sodalye|NA-L 50%|Marine Oil and Lubricants|Boat Engine Oils|Scrubber MgO

純度:99% ( 注意:本商品有強烈腐蝕性,溶於水放出大量熱。吸入後強烈刺激呼吸道或造成灼 傷。皮膚和眼直接接觸可引起灼傷,一旦眼睛或皮膚接觸到氫氧化鉀,迅速將受傷部位以水不斷 沖洗15 分鐘以上;口服會灼傷消化道,可致命。)
愛護自己的土地,保護自己的土地,一直是我們諾瓦的使命與責任 。
我們的業務領域,含括基於歐洲排放標準和國際海事組織所規範,有關於低氮氧化物和低硫油的相關法規。一旦您的機器或鍋爐配備了脫硝系統(選擇性觸媒還原器)或脫硫系統(去硫洗滌塔),它就必須補充各種濃度的尿素水溶液、氫氧化鈉溶液(苛性鈉,液鹼、燒鹼、火鹼、苛性鹼、苛性蘇打水等等)、混凝劑和絮凝劑等產品有關。 所有相關品項,我們皆擁有ISO9001、14001、VDA和API等相關證照。
Caring and protecting our own land and people has always been our mission and responsibility of NOVAX. Our business domain involve roadmap of DeNOx (Nitrogen oxides) and DeSOx (Sulphur Oxide) base on EURO (European) Emission Standards and IMO (International Marinetime Organization) Low sulfur Diesel Regulation.
It’s in relation to product of AUS32, AUS40, NaOH solution (Caustic Soda, Lye, or Sodium Hydroxide), Coagulant, and Flocculant etc once your machine or boiler is equipped with DeNOx System (SCR) or DeSOx System (Sulfur Scrubber).Our product own ISO9001 & 14001 certificate, also main well of VDA and API licenses etc.
NOVAX are your best global partner to provide total solution of series supplier for you wherever supply position is in Taiwan or foreign. All of you and our purpose is to return more beautiful sky and clear air to the Earth.